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You have selected the ACTs Fellows membership level.

The Overcomers’ Community is an online place of fellowship of like-minded believers undergirding one another as we navigate life and become OVERCOMERS in spirit, soul and body.

The research, programs and resources are provided for you at the low cost of $24.99 per month and is automatically renewed to help support our online infrastructure. As an ACTS Fellow, you will receive a 90 day free trial period.   We look forward to joining you in your walk out journey and being able to assist you. With God’s help we can do this together!

The price for membership is $0.00 now and then $24.99 per Month. After your initial payment, your first 3 payments are Free.

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Terms of Use

The Overcomers’ Community, under the covering of Hope of the Generations Church (HGC) and Be in Health (BIH), requests that all Community members read, review and accept the following so that we may partner together to create/foster an environment of learning and support for one another through HGC and BIH principles.

The Overcomers’ Community is an online place of fellowship of like-minded believers undergirding one another as we navigate life and become OVERCOMERS in spirit, soul, and body. (I Thess. 5:23)

It is our desire to serve by providing insights into the Word of God, information from BIH programs and principles, and cutting edge, spiritual insights with pertinent medical research that have brought healing to so many. It is also our desire to provide a safe environment for all to learn and mature in the Word.

Toward that end, as a condition of participation in the Overcomers’ Community (OC), OC members agree: to the following:

Fee-based Service

To pay a monthly or annual subscription fee that automatically renews unless cancelled in order to benefit from our research and insights. Members agree to use reasonable efforts to manage their own membership account online themselves, including switching their subscription from monthly to annual (or vice versa), updating credit card billing information, and cancelling their account. Canceling an account must be done at least 1-day before the next payment is processed. Once payment is processed the fee is not refundable.

Terms of Use

To follow Community guidelines, outlined in these Terms of Use (TOU), in order to maintain their membership and access to the Community.


That all initial posts (new discussions and feed comments, etc.) by Community members will go through an approval process to ensure they fall in line with these Terms of Use.


That Community members will not uncover another.  This means members agree to post concerning their own walkout / recovery process and not disclose failures and flaws of someone else. Uncovering another can put yourself in agreement with Accusation and can lead others to the same.  Posting in this manner will help Community members be solution-oriented and not focus on the problem.

Godly Order

Prophecy – HGC/BIH do not despise prophesying (1 Thess. 5:20).  We recognize, however, that prophecy requires a godly order of spiritual authority to be in place in order to be scripturally implemented.  The OC is not a proper venue at this time for prophesying, and Community members agree to refrain from posting prophecy.

Words of Knowledge/Wisdom – Community members likewise agree to refrain from posting words of knowledge or wisdom, as the OC cannot provide the proper godly order of spiritual authority to scripturally implement this.  This includes speaking into someone’s life and their stated issues from an assumed position of authority.  We are all simply supporting each other in our respective overcoming journeys. 


To be spiritual watchmen for the good of all.  If a Community member believes a post violates the TOU, he/she will use the “Report” feature to bring it to the attention of the OC moderators for review and potential removal.  Should five (5) people Report the same post, it will be automatically deleted from the OC.  Being a spiritual watchman helps ensure the OC remains a safe place and is part of the body of believers’ scriptural responsibility to care for one another.  (Isaiah 62:6; Romans 16:17)


That HGC, BIH and the OC may remove postings that they, in their sole discretion, deem divisionary or contrary to our common goals. 

This includes any links to outside content of other ministries or people, not because such ministries or people are necessarily making incorrect statements, but because we cannot thoroughly authenticate the teaching of every other ministry.  We desire the OC to have a consistent continuity with the Biblical teaching of HGC/BIH.


That HGC, BIH and the OC may exclude certain individuals or organizations. Any paid fees will be refunded pro rata.

Intellectual Property

That HGC, BIH and the OC have exclusive, unconditional jurisdiction over its Intellectual Property, its use and access.

Photo and Video Posts

To assure that there are no copyrights on the pictures and videos that they post on the OC, and to keep videos to 75MB or smaller (less than 1-minute).

Solicitation and Advertising

To not use the OC to promote or advertise your business or ministry, whether directly or indirectly, in any form.

Private Messaging

To not private message (PM) fellow OC members without their express consent.  You may request to PM a fellow member in a post or reply and, if they express their consent to that request on the OC, you may then PM them until and unless they request you to stop.  If you are receiving PMs from a User without your express consent, please click on their Username, which will take you to their profile, and click on Report. This will inform the Admin team of the Reported item.  You may also prevent further contact from that User by clicking on Block (click on the ellipsis (the 3 little dots) on their profile page to access Block).


That HGC, BIH and the OC do not diagnose any condition and do not counsel or give advice. We outline certain insights and practical examples within the parameters of the Word of God. Please review the Disclaimer in the book A More Excellent Way to understand our position.


That HGC, BIH and the OC are not responsible for the spiritual, physical or mental health of any Community member. The responsibility lies with each individual Community member.